Saturday, March 22, 2008

Is Niche Marketing For You?

Is niche marketing for you? Of course, it is! If you are trying to make money on the Internet, you must narrow down your focus. Niche marketing, by definition, means focusing on a small portion of a general category. Instead of creating a website about pets, create one about dogs. Or narrowing it down even more: poodles.

Creating one small website may not produce the thousands of dollars you wish, but think of creating multiple websites based on tight niches. That is where the money will come in because that is what the public will be looking for.

The first thing you will do is to find the first niche by researching keywords. Using will be a big help in finding related keywords for the niche you are researching. Look for a KEI of at least 10. A KEI of 100 is best and if it's over 400, you've won the jackpot!

After you have found your particular niche, you will need to get the content for your website. You will have to either write articles, re-write private label articles, have articles written for you or use articles from other authors. You must keep the author's resource box (bio) that is located at the end of the article with the article when you use it. You can find these articles in article directories. You'll find tons of article directories by typing "article directory" into Google Search. Each article will be based upon a keyword or keyword phrase.

Now, you will need to register a domain name; something like It should be based as closely as possible on your website's niche topic. You will also need web hosting so you will have a home for your website.

Next, you need to Montetize your site. Look for multiple ways to bring income in from your website.

Add affiliate programs and Google Adsense. Be sure you have good (real) content on your website before asking Google to approve your account. They frown on "Under Construction" notices and your account will not be approved.

Choose affiliate products that compliment your website's niche. Don't put gambling banners and ads on a site that's about dogs. That's not what your site's visitors are looking for. If you don't know where to look for affiliate products, you can find nearly any product for your niche at

Get a product to sell on your site. Write an ebook about your niche or have one written for you. Write a sales page and use PayPal to accept payments.

The last step is to get traffic. Your web pages need to be optimized for the keyword or keyword phrase that your page content is based on. Remember at the beginning when you wrote your articles based on a keyword? That keyword needs to appear in your article (page) title, in the Heading, in the first paragraph and at least a couple times in the body of your article so the search engines can find it.

Another way to get traffic is to write more articles and submit them to article directories. I believe this is one of the best free traffic generators there is.

Blogging is also an excellent way to get visitors to your website. Most cpanel servers have Fantastico which installs WordPress with just a few steps. When you have a blog, every time you post an article or other information, it "pings" the pinging services. This causes your site to be spidered by the search engines quicker than just using one or two methods of traffic generation.

You can make money in niche marketing, but it will take effort. Carefully do your research, follow search engine optimization rules, and go for the traffic.
Jude Wright is the owner of multiple websites. Have your own successful niche marketing website based on recipes. The Recipe Script will let your website visitors add your recipe content for you! See it at

A Quick Course For The Golf Course: Does & Donts

Many people feel that all it takes is a few golf lessons and then suddenly upon completion they are experts. They are Tiger Woods in the makingso they feel. Before you begin, see if you can shadow someone at a golf club for free. Shadowing someone with more experience in the game will help your game. Just like in any sport, for example, foot ball, it would be ridiculous for a foot ball fan to where a tuxedo or his/her pajamas to a game.

-Wearing improper or uncomfortable gear on the golf course. Improper gear such as, tee shirts with word phrases or sayings that have nothing to do with golf such as: Ive been married to my ball and chain for 20 years.HELP! should not be worn on the course. When in doubtstick to plain golf shirts with neutral shades such as white, beige, red, black purple and grey.

Another big no-no is wearing a shirt and tie with slacks and your everyday office shoes is in appropriate gear and should be saved for your next corporate meeting, not a golf game.

-Good manners are not just for the dinning room table or your favorite restaurant. Before your first day on the course, make sure that you eat healthy. Save the chili hotdogs for the Super Bowl. Stay away from foods that cause gas and other ailments.

Make sure that you do not skip your meals. It would be tragic if you fainted and had to be carried to the hospital in a stretcher.

Golf is a very quite yet intense game. Leave the following things at home: Your 1980s radio box. Many people feel that every sport should include music, including their golf game. Save the music boxes for your next family reunion but

-If you are a pet lover leave your pets at home. Pets are not permitted on the golf courseit is not cute.

-Yelling and obnoxious talking is not permitted. Leave the talking for after the game. Whistling and singing are very poor etiquette.

-The ultimate dont is forgetting to place your cell phone on vibrate. The major dont is answering and making unnecessary phone calls while your opponent is putting.

-Practice truly does make perfection, especially during a golf game. Dont act as if you know everything there is to know about golf. If you do, you must have something to back it up like playing a good game.

Jena Luthowski writes about,'s%20Golf.html and